Q: Rule 30-3a states in part: "An absent partner may join a match between holes, but not during play of a hole." If A and B are to play C and D in a four-ball match and A is absent when the match begins, what is the ruling if A joins the match during play of a hole?
A: A incurs the general penalty prescribed in Rule 2-6 and thus is disqualified for the hole. If any of As strokes assisted Bs play, B also is disqualified for the hole - Rule 30-3f.
问:规则30-3a里面有一段这样写道:“一名缺席的球伴可以在洞与洞之间加入比洞赛,但不得在一洞的打球过程中加入。”如果A和B两名球员与C和D两名球员一起打四人分两对的比洞赛(four-ball match)。当比赛开始的时候A缺席,如果A在打一洞的时候加入比赛,那应该适用哪条规则?
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |