Q: In match play, A and B are opponents. They are in the process of playing a hole when play is suspended by the Committee due to darkness. A states that he does not wish to continue, but B wants to complete the hole being played. What is the ruling?
A: Although Rule 6-8b suggests that one of the players in the match may complete the hole (see analogous Decision 6-8b/3), the Rules contemplate that opponents will play together and have the opportunity to observe each other’s play. Therefore, when A states that he does not wish to continue the match after play has been suspended by the Committee, the players must discontinue play. When play is discontinued in this manner, if either player continues play, Rule 6-8b prescribes a penalty of disqualification. However, in the exceptional circumstances described, if B were to continue play of the hole, a penalty of disqualification would be too severe. Accordingly, the Committee should modify the disqualification penalty to loss of the hole concerned (Rule 33-7).
答:尽管规则6-8b中规定比洞赛中的任一名球员可以完成一洞的比赛(见类似的判例 6-8b/3),但考虑到对手球员也要跟着继续完成这一洞的比赛,而且他们有机会观察彼此的比赛。因此,当委员会宣布暂停比赛的时候,A声明不想再继续,那球员们就必须停止比赛。当比赛以这种方式停止的时候,如果其中任何一名球员继续比赛,规则6-8b规定给予取消比赛资格的处罚。当然也有例外的情况,如果B想继续打完正在进行的一洞比赛,取消比赛资格的处罚就太重了。因此,委员会应该更改取消比赛资格的处罚为输掉这一洞的比赛(规则33-7)。
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |