Q: A player marked the position of his ball on the putting green with a coin and lifted the ball. He then placed his finger on the coin, while he brushed aside some loose impediments so that he did not move the coin. On lifting his finger the coin initially stuck to his finger before falling to the ground and coming to rest in a different position. What is the ruling?
A: The act of placing the finger on the coin is considered to be an extension of the marking process (see Decision 20-1/6). Therefore, as the movement of the coin was directly attributable to the specific act of marking the position of the ball, the player incurs no penalty and the ball or ball-marker must be replaced (Rule 20-1).
答:这名球员把手指放在硬币上的动作被认为是标记球的过程的延伸(见判定 20-1/6)。因此,硬币的移动可以归于是标记球的具体动作直接作用的结果,这名球员不受处罚,但球或者球标必须被放回原处(规则20-1)。
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |