Q: A player cannot determine whether a raised tuft of grass on his line of putt is loose or is attached to its roots. The player brushes the raised tuft lightly with his hand and discovers that it is attached. The position of the raised tuft is altered slighhtly by the brushing, but is has not become detached. Is the player in breach of Rule 16-1a?
A: No, provided he restores the raised tuft to its original position before the next stroke. A player is entitled to determine whether such a natural object on his line of putt is loose provided that, if the object is found not to be loose, (1) it has not become detached and (2) it is restored to its original position before the next stroke if its position is altered.
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |