Decision 24-2b/3 Q: In proceeding under Rule 24-2b(i) or Rule 25-1b(i), the Definition of “Nearest Point of Relief” provides that to determine the nearest point of relief accurately, the player should use the club, address position, direction of play and swing (right or left-handed) that he would have used to make his next stroke had the obstruction or condition not been there. What is the procedure if, having determined the stroke he would have used, he is unable physically to make such a stroke from, what would appear to be, the nearest point of relief because either (a) the direction of play is blocked by a tree, or (b) he is unable to take the backswing for the intended stroke due to a bush?
A: The point identified is the nearest point of relief. The fact that at this point the player cannot make the intended stroke due to something other than the obstruction or condition from which relief is being taken does not alter this result. The player must drop the ball within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole. Once the ball is in play, the player must then decide what type of stroke he will make. This stroke may be different from the one he would have made from the ball’s original position had the obstruction or condition not been there. 判定 24-2b/3
问:按照规则24-2b(i)或规则25-1b(i)进行处置时,“补球最近点”的定义规定,为了准确地确定补救的最近点,球员应使用假设没有妨碍时他理应在下一次击球时使用的球杆模拟其击球准备位置、打球方向和击球的挥杆动作。如果已经决定了他要打的下一杆,但或者因为(a) 打球的方向被一棵树阻碍了,或者因为(b)灌木丛的阻挡他无法在准备打下一杆时进行后挥杆,所以他无法从即将成为补球最近点的那一点进行补球,这时该怎么办?
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |