Decision 25-2/7 Q: A players ball lies on a fairway and he believes the ball may be embedded in its own pitch-mark. Is the player entitled to lift the ball to determine whether it is embedded?
A: In equity (Rule 1-4), the player may lift the ball, without penalty, provided he announces his intention in advance to his opponent, marker or fellow-competitor an opportunity to observe the lifting. If the ball is embedded in the ground, he is entitled to relief under Rule 25-2. Otherwise, the ball must be replaced and the opponent, marker or fellow-competitor given an opportunity to observe the replacement. If the player fails to comply with this procedure, he shall incur a penalty of one stroke, but no additional penalty under Rule 20-1 shall be applied. A ball so lifted may not be cleaned unless it is found to be embedded in the ground and the player elects to take relief under Rule 25-2.
判定 25-2/7
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |