Decision 2-5/6 Players Mistakenly Believe Match Is All Square After 18 Holes and Play Extra Hole Without Claim Being Made Q: In a match between A and B, A is 1 up after the prescribed 18 holes. However, both A and B believe the match is all square. So they play extra holes and B wins at the 20th hole. The error is then discovered. What is the ruling?
A: Since A did not make a claim before either player played from the tee at the 19th hole, the match must be considered all square at that point. Thus, B was the winner.
判定 2-5/6 18洞的比赛后,球员们错误地相信比洞赛的结果是平局,所以自作主张的进行了延长赛
答:因为在任一名球员在第19洞发球台打球之前,A没有提出要求,比洞赛就被认为是平局。因此,B获胜了。 (为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |