Decision 1-1/3 Player Discovers Original Ball in Hole After Searching Five Minutes and Then Continuing Play with Provisional Ball Q: At a par-3 hole, a player, believing his original ball may be lost, plays a provisional ball. He searches five minutes for the original ball and then plays the provisional ball onto the green. At that point, the original ball is found in the hole. What is the ruling?
A: The players score is 1. The play of the hole was completed when the player holed the original ball (Rule 1-1).
判定 1-1/3 在寻找了5分钟后,球员发现他的原始球在球洞里,然后继续用临时球比赛
问:在PAR 3的一个球洞,一名球员相信他的原始球可能丢了,所以打了一个临时球。他找了5分钟后未果,就把临时球打上果岭。这时他发现原始球在球洞里,应该适用什么规则?
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |