Decision 17-4/4 Ball Resting Against Flagstick Moves Away from Hole When Flagstick Removed by Player; Ball Not Placed on Lip of Hole Q: A players ball is resting against the flagstick. The player removes the flagstick and the ball moves away from the hole. The player plays the ball from its new position, holing the putt. What is the ruling?
A: The player was required to place the ball on the lip of the hole (Rule 17-4). In match play, the player loses the hole -- Rules 17-4 and 2-6.
In stroke play, the player incurs a penalty of two strokes and the ball is holed -- Rules 17-4 and 3-5.
判定 17-4/4 球停靠在了旗杆旁边,当球员移动旗杆的时候,球也移动了;球没有放置在洞边
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |