Decision 3-3/9 Second Ball Played in Match Play Q: In a match between A and B, A was unsure of his rights at a hole. Neither A nor B was aware that Rule 3-3 applies only in stroke play, so A played a second ball and holed out with both balls. At the end of the round, the matter was referred to the Committee. What is the ruling?
A: A second ball played in match play is a wrong ball -- See Definition of "Wrong Ball." Accordingly, A would have lost the hole had B claimed it under Rule 2-5 before either player had played from the next tee. However, B made no claim. Therefore, the score with As original ball counts.
判定 3-3/9 比洞赛中打的第2个球
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |