Decision 13-4/5 Touching Mound Made by Burrowing Animal with Backswing in Bunker Q: A players ball and a mound made by a burrowing animal are in a bunker. The mound interferes with the players backswing, but the player elects not to take relief under Rule 25-1b(ii). During his backswing, the players club touches the mound. Is the player in breach of Rule 13-4?
A: Yes. Rule 13-4 prohibits touching the ground in a hazard with a club before making a stroke, which is the forward movement of the club. In a hazard, a mound made by a burrowing animal is ground in the hazard.
判定 13-4/5 从沙坑上挥杆时接触到了洞穴动物制造的土墩
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