Decision 13-4/19 Player Preparing to Play from Bunker Requests Another Player Who Has Just Played from Bunker to Smooth His Footprints Q: In a match between A and B, both balls lie in a bunker and Bs ball is farther from the hole. B plays out of the bunker. A then asks B to rake the bunker in case As ball rolls backwards into Bs footprints if A fails to get out of the bunker. What is the ruling?
A: B was entitled to rake the bunker under Exception 2 to Rule 13-4. A incurs no penalty for having asked B to rake the bunker.
判定 13-4/19 一名球员准备从沙坑击球,他要求另一名刚刚从沙坑打过球的球员平整他的脚印
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |