Decision 23-1/12 After Ball Addressed on Putting Green Ball Moved in Removal of Loose Impediment Q: After a player addresses his ball on the putting green, an insect alights on the ball. The player bends over without moving his feet and, in attempting to brush the insect off the ball, moves the ball several inches. Is the player subject to a penalty stroke under Rule 18-2b?
A: No. An insect is a loose impediment -- See Definition of "Loose Impediments" and Decision 23-1/5. Under Rule 23-1, a player incurs no penalty if a ball on the putting green moves while he is in the process of removing a loose impediment. Rule 23-1 overrides Rule 18-2b in this case.
判定 23-1/12 球员已经在球洞区站立好姿势准备打球,但在移动散置障碍物的时候移动了球
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