1.主办单位:中国高尔夫球协会 Organizer:The China Golf Association
2.承办单位:世体(北京)体育有限公司 Host: World Sport Group (Beijing) Ltd
3.举办球会:延吉海兰江体育高尔夫度假村 Host Venue: Yanji Harangang Golf Resort 4.日期:2007年7月12日至15日 Date: July 12th to 15th, 2007
5.竞赛项目:个人比杆赛 Tournament Format:Individual Stroke Play
6.竞赛办法: a)比赛采用四轮(72洞)比杆赛的方式。前两轮为预赛,在预赛中成绩排列前60位(含并列)的职业球员有资格参加最后两轮的比赛。 b)当第一名出现平分时,将采用“骤死式”加洞赛的方式决定冠军。如果加洞赛人数超过两人,不论赛果,冠军以外的同时并列第二名。 Format of play: a)The tournament will be played over 72 holes (four rounds) of stroke-play. After the second day, the top 60 professional players (including ties) will qualify for the last two days of play. b)In the event of a tie for first place there will be a “sudden death” play-off to determine the winner. If a play-off involves more than two players, those other than the winner will be deemed to have tied for second place regardless of the outcome the play-off.
7.参赛资格: a)中国男子职业高尔夫球员. b)2006年年终职业球员积分榜前70名(含)中的职业教练。 c)通过2007年职业比赛参赛资格考试(前30名)而获得参赛资格的球员。 d)中国高尔夫球协会特邀的业余球员八名。 e)赞助商特邀球员八名。
Eligibility criteria: a)Chinese male professional golfers (Chinese Citizen). b)Professional coaches in the top 70 of the 2006 year end CGA Professional ranking. c)In 2007, passed vocational qualification examination (in the top 30) and obtaining qualification of players. d)Eight (8) amateur players invited by The China Golf Association. e)Eight (8) sponsors’ exemption special invitations from the Organizer.
8.竞赛规则: 比赛采用中国高尔夫球协会审定的,由R&A及美国高尔夫球协会2004年版《高尔夫球规则》以及竞赛委员会制定的“比赛条件和当地规则”。
Tournament regulations: The Tournament will use the CGA approved Rules of Golf by the R & A and USGA (2004 edition), and the Conditions of Competition and the Local Rules as approved by the Tournament Committee.
9.球员义务 a)当中国高尔夫球协会或欧米茄中国巡回赛新闻官要求参赛球员参加赛后举办之新闻采访,所有球员有义务出席。 b)冠军有接受媒体采访和拍照的义务, 直至颁奖典礼结束后两小时为止。如不能履行此项义务,须跟欧米茄中国巡回赛新闻官作出解释。
Players’ Obligations a)All players should be prepared to attend a press conference immediately after their round if requested to do so by CGA or OMEGA China Tour Media officials. b)The winner must take photographs and interview with the media obligations, as directed by WSG and CGA officials, for a period of up to two hours after the prize ceremony has ended. If the player could not fulfill the media obligations, he must explain to the media official of the OMEGA China Tour.
10.职业业余配对赛 欧米茄中国巡回赛奖金榜排名前三十的球员必须参加本站的配对赛。 Pro-Am The top thirty players of the OMEGA Order of Merit must participate in this leg’s Pro-Am.
11.竞赛日程 Schedule of Events 7月9日:报到、练习日 9/7:Registration、Official Practice Day 7月10日:报到、练习日 10/7:Registration、Official Practice Day 7月11日:职业-业余配对赛 11/7:Pro-Am Tournament 7月12日:第一轮比赛 12/7:1st round 7月13日:第二轮比赛 13/7: 2nd round 7月14日:第三轮比赛 14/7: 3rd round 7月15日:第四轮比赛 15/7: 4th round
12.奖项及奖杯: 录取名次及奖励办法: 冠军将获得15万元奖金及奖杯一座。进入最后两轮决赛的球员将根据他们最后的名次而获得相应的奖金。 奖金总额:80万元人民币 奖金分配方案(见附表1: 奖金分配表)。
Award and Trophy: Enrollment position and reward: The champion will win RMB 150,000.00 and be awarded a trophy. The players who enter the last 2 rounds will win the bonus corresponding with their position at the tournament’s completion. Total prize amount: RMB 800,000.00 Prize money allocation plan: please see appendix 1.
13.报名与报到 a)参赛者必须填写统一报名表(附后)并由其签字后生效,报名截止日期为2007年7月14日星期二晚上12:00前,请于此时间内将报名表传真至世体(北京)体育有限公司(传真:010 - 6517 9640) 注:参赛球员有义务自行查询报名结果,欧米茄中国巡回赛将不对在提交过程中遗失的报名表负责。 b)参赛者可在中国高尔夫球协会网站和欧米茄中国巡回赛网站www.omegachinatour.com下载报名表和有关信息。 c)报到时间、地点:请于2007年7月9日至10日上午9点30至下午5点整在海兰江高尔夫度假村会所内的欧米茄中国巡回赛赛事组委会报到处报到。 球会地址:吉林省延吉市小营镇河龙村 联系电话:0433-2807795 Application and Registration a)All participant must fill in the application form and fax it to the World Sport Group(Beijing)Ltd before the midnight of July 4th, 2007. (Fax: 010 - 6517 9640). Note:Player has to confirm their application with the Committee of Omega China Tour. The Committee will not responsible for any missing application. b)Application forms and related information can be downloaded through the China Golf Association Web sitewww.omegachinatour.com c)Registration: Please proceed to the OMEGA China Tour tournament registration office at the club house of Yanji Harangang Golf Resort from 9:30AM to 5 PM on July 9th to 10th, 2007. (Prior to any changes, please check the tournament notice board). Address: Helong Village,Xiaoying Town, Yanji City, Jilin Province, China Telephone: 0433-2807795
14.仲裁委员和裁判:裁判员及工作人员由中国高尔夫球协会统一委派。 Jury Committee & referees: The China Golf Association will appoint the referees and staff.
15.费用: a)球僮费:人民币100元/场。 b)参赛选手之旅费及餐饮费自理 c)练习日免果岭费,练习场从报到日至比赛结束每天开放时间为早上5点至下午6点。 Fee: a) Caddy fee: RMB100 per round. b) Players are responsible for paying for their own board and lodging. c) Playing is free of charge Practice Day ,Driving range opens from 5:00am to 6:00pm throughout Tournament Week.
16.酒店 组委会将为选手指定酒店(入住其他酒店的球员请自行解决当地交通及赛事咨询查询等问题) 地址:吉林省延吉市小营镇河龙村 联系电话:0433-2807795 酒店:延吉海兰江高尔夫度假村 房价:球员住宿免费(不含早餐)
Hotel: The Organizing Committee has appointed a designated hotel for players (Players staying at other hotels are responsible for all their own transport and are responsible for checking the Tournament information, which will only be available in the designated hotel.) Address: Helong Village,Xiaoying Town, Yanji City, Jilin Province, China. Telephone: 0433-2807795 Hotel: Yanji Harangang Golf Resort Room Rate: Player room for free (ex include breakfast)
17.本规程解释权属中国高尔夫球协会 联系方式:中国高尔夫球协会 通讯地址:北京市崇文区体育馆路5号 邮编:100763 联系人: 宋亮亮 副秘书长 电话: 010 - 87182142 传真:010 - 87182913 电邮:chinagolf@263.net
The China Golf Association reserves all rights to the regulations Contact: The China Golf Association, Address: 2 Tiyuguan Road, Chongwen District, Beijing 100763, China Contact Person: Mr.Song Liang Liang, Deputy Secretary General Tel: 010 - 87182142 Fax:010 - 87182913 Email:chinagolf@263.net
如需要了解更多信息,请与如下单位联系: 世体(北京)体育有限公司 北京市东城区建国门内大街7号光华长安大厦1座612室 联系人:陈景升 先生 运作部经理 温 冬 小姐 赛事助理 电话:世体(北京)体育有限公司 010-65180291 电话:欧米茄中国巡回赛 010-6517 9641 传真:010-65179640 电邮: e.chan@worldsportgroup.com.hk d.wen@worldsportgroup.com.cn
Further information, please contact: World Sport Group(Beijing)Ltd Unit 12, 6/F, Tower 1, Bright China Chang An Building, No.7 Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100005, China Contact Person: Mr. Enoch Chan,Operations Manager Miss Winter Wen,Competition Assistant Tel: World Sport Group(Beijing)Ltd 010 - 65180291 Tel: OMEGA China Tour 010 - 6517 9641 Fax:010 - 65179640 Email: e.chan@worldsportgroup.com.hk d.wen@worldsportgroup.com.cn |