Decision 16-1a/9 Brushing Loose Impediments Off Line of Putt with Palm of Hand Q: A player, with about one dozen strokes with the whole palm of his hand, attempted to remove small leaves, which are difficult to remove by any method, from his line of putt. Is this permissible under Rule 16-1a?
A: The action described exceeded that authorized by Rule 16-1a and was a breach of the Rule.
判定 16-1a/9 用手掌拂走推击线上的散置障碍物
问:一名球员用手掌扑打了大约十二下,企图移走小树叶,这些小树叶在他的推击线上, 很难用任何方法弄走。规则16-1a允许他这样做吗?
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |