主办球会:大上海国际高尔夫球度假村 举办日期:2007年8月9至12日 地址:江苏省昆山市18号信箱 邮编 215347 Date: August 9th to 12th, 2007 Host Venue: Grand Shanghai International Golf & Holiday Resort Address: Number 18 mailbox, Kunshan, Jiangsu China.
参赛球员有义务自行查询报名结果,欧米茄中国巡回赛组委会将不对在提交过程中遗失的报名表负责。 Player has to confirm their Application with Omega China Tour Committee. The Committee will not responsible for any missing application.
本人有兴趣参加于2007年8月9至12日在大上海国际高尔夫球度假村举办的2007欧米茄中国巡回赛 – 上海站的比赛 I would like to join the 2007 OMEGA China Tour – Shanghai Leg from August 9th to 12th, 2007at the Grand Shanghai International Golf & Holiday Resort
姓名 Name |
性别 Sex |
出生日期 Date of Birth |
_____年/___月/___日(YYYY/MM/DD) |
地址 Address |
所属单位 Unit |
电话 Tel |
手机Mobile |
传真 Fax |
身高 Height (cm) |
球员酒店 Player Hotel: 昆山华美达湖滨别墅 Ramada Lakeside Villas, Kunshan 房价: 336元/房/晚(不含早餐) Room rate: RMB336/room/night (without breakfast) |
只提供2房1厅套房: A型号 – 含2大床,供1-2人入住 B型号 -含1大床2小床,供1-3人入住 Only 2-room suite available: Type A – 2-bed, for 1-2 person Type B – 3-bed, for 1-3 person *详情清参阅竞赛规程 Please see the Tournament Regulations for details. |
体重 Weight (kg) |
入住日期Check in _____________________________
离开日期Check out ____________________________
房间型号 Room type:□A □B
入住人数Pax/room: □1人 □2人 □3人
*同房必须共同分担房间费用,不能分开结帐。第一位入住的住客需办理整套房间的入住登记手续,并支付总房费的120%为押金 Separate payment is not accepted. The first guest is required to check in for the whole room and provide 120% of the total room |
如非1人入住,请提供同住之姓名 Please provide name(s) of roommate(s): 1. _______________________(球员/球童/家属) 2. _______________________(球员/球童/家属) *由于房间紧张,如未能提供同房姓名,组委会将安排与之合住的球员Organizing Committee will make necessary arrangement if names are not provided. |
证件类型 Type of Identification Documen |
□身份证 ID Card □护照 Passport |
证件号码 Passport No. |
□ 球员证 Pro Player Card □ 教练证 Pro Coach Card |
证件号码 Passport No. |
开户银行名称 Name of Bank |
银行账号 Bank Account No. |
开户银行地址 Bank Address
球童 Caddie |
球会球僮费190人民币/天 Caddie Fee: 190 RMB /day □ 自己安排 Own □ 球会安排 Club Caddie
注:我保证以上提供的资料真实有效,根据中国高尔夫球协会的有关规定,我的身份是中高协职业球员委员会会员。赛事主办单位保留权力,在必要的时,要求球员出具相关证明材料。为丰富球员手册,更好的宣传球员,请申请的球手如实填写球员资讯表。中国高尔夫球协会对参赛球原的资格有最终决定权。为更好的宣传欧米茄中国巡回赛的球员,请填写下一张媒体档案表格。 Note: I certify that I am a member of the CGA’s Professional Players’ Committee according to the rules and regulations of the China Golf Association, and that the information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. China Golf Association reserves the right to require or request certification of all players. To assist the media and help in the promotion of the players on the OMEGA China Tour, please fill in and return the attached media profile form.
(球员签名/Signature)___________________ 报名截止日期:2007年7月31日晚上12:00整。请将此表格传真至世体(北京)体育有限公司:+86-(0)10-6517 9640 The deadline is midnight July 31st, 2007, please fax this form to World Sport Group(Beijing)Ltd: +86-(0)10-6517 9640