Decision 30-3d/3.5 Player Plays Partners Ball; Error Discovered After Opponents Have Played Next Strokes Q: A and B are playing C and D in a four-ball match. At the 2nd hole, after the tee shots A mistakenly plays Bs ball. The error is discovered after C and D play their second strokes, and C and D claim the hole. What is the ruling?
A: A is disqualified for the hole because he played a wrong ball (Rule 30-3d). B incurs no penalty for A having played his ball (Decision 30-3d/1) and players B, C and D should continue play of the hole.
判定 30-3d/3.5 一名球员打了同伴的球;在对手已经打完下一杆后才发现这个错误
(为避免产生歧义,请以英文原文为准。) (golftime·陈艳编译) |