15-1/2.5 Balls Inadvertently Exchanged by Players After One Ball Struck and Moved the Other; One Player Substitutes Balls
Q:A plays to the putting green, and his ball strikes and moves the ball of his opponent or fellow-competitor, B, which was lying on the green. Both balls come to rest on the green. B, acting under Rules 18-5 and 20-3c, lifts As ball by mistake and places it as near as possible to where his (Bs) ball lay before it was moved. B holes out with As ball. Without having lifted Bs ball, A then, by mistake, holes out with Bs ball. What is the ruling?
A:A has played a wrong ball, whereas B has substituted another ball when not so permitted.
In match play, B incurred a penalty stroke for lifting As ball without authority (Rule 18-3b) and was required to inform A of that penalty stroke (Rule 9-2b). However, B lost the hole when he played As ball (Rules 15-2 and 18-5). As subsequent play of a wrong ball is irrelevant.
In stroke play, B incurs a penalty of two strokes (Rules 15-2 and 18-5). A incurs a penalty of two strokes, must retrieve his ball from B, replace it on the spot from which B had lifted it and hole out with it before playing from the next teeing ground; otherwise A is disqualified (Rule 15-3b). (Revised)
15-1/2.5 在一个球击打到并移动另一个球后,球被球员们疏忽地交换了;一名球员替换了球
(golftime·陈艳编译) |