30-3b/2 Waiving Turn to Putt in Four-Ball Match
Q:In a four-ball match, A and B are playing C and D. All four balls are on the green in three strokes. The balls of A and C are about 10 feet from the hole; Bs ball is two feet away and Ds is three feet away. C picks up his ball. A leaves his ball on the green, but tells B and D to "battle it out." D putts first and holes out; B then putts and misses. May A then putt for a half?
A:No. A and B abandoned As right to complete the hole by allowing D to putt before A and B when it was Side A-Bs turn to play. Under Rule 30-3b, Side A-B could have opted for B to putt before A However, if B had done so and missed, it would then have been As turn to play.
The answer is different if Bs ball is three feet away, Ds is two feet away and B putts and misses. In these circumstances, A may putt, provided he does so before D putts. (Revised -- Formerly 30-3c/2)
30-3b/2 在四球二对二比赛上轮到自己推杆时放弃
如果B的球距洞3英尺,D的球距洞两英尺,而B推杆没成功,那答案就会不同。在这种情况下,A可以推杆,前提是他得在D推杆之前。(修正——之前的30-3c/2) (golftime·陈艳编译) |